Agro Market
JG Agro Farming is a year-round organic vegetable farm that offers locals a variety of fresh farm products, produce and family friendly events. We specialise in vegetables, fresh herbs and honey.
Many of the healthy foods you will find are less expensive than at a grocery store. Its fresher (so it tastes better), and has way less plastic wrapping and packaging! These are all benefits of shopping local and small, which also help reduce your carbon footprint.
Hand picked, organic produce
There are good and bad insects. To control harmful pest population, natural means are used (like encouraging natural predators and insects that prey on bad insects).
Chemical-free fertilisers or pesticides are used in the organic farm. So you can get close-up with many different types of farm bugs that are commonly found in vegetables.
Your Local Farmers’ Market
More than just a Farmers’ Market — it’s the prime source of fun in the greater urban society.
If it ain’t fresh, it ain’t coming from us.
-D.R Asmaa
Zero Pollution
Something to suit everyone’s taste! Our Farmers’ Market is home to a number of local professionals who go above and beyond to give back to the community through the products they offer.
Pure & Organic Taste
Pop up farmers Market hosting local artisanal manufacturers from greater spot.